Saturday, March 22, 2014

My battle with my health--who knew

Many years ago when I was a vibrant barely twenty-something, I'd volunteer at Halifax HealthLink in Becker Village Mall. What I did more than anything else was check peoples' blood pressures. Most people would spend time walking around the mall for exercise, rest a while, and then have me check their pressure. A nurse was also available for those whose blood pressure was running high. Although high blood pressure runs in my family, my blood pressure was always normal. Therefore, blood pressure was not a concern for me. 

Fast forward to 2009. I had a new job making a good deal more money and God blessed me with the beautiful baby girl I wanted. Everything should've been great, right?  I thought it was until one afternoon when I had one of the worst headaches of my life--the kind that makes you feel like throwing up. I went to the doctor for something totally unrelated and my BP was so high the doctor looked scared for me and immediately wrote me a prescription.  Silly me, I got defensive because to me my BP was normal and this had to be an isolated incident. 

Since then, I have had an up and down battle with my BP. I don't fry foods. I use little to no salt when cooking. I never add salt to cooked food. I read food labels to monitor my sodium intake. I buy seasonings with little to no sodium. I rarely eat out and I eat foods recommended to keep BP in control. The only thing I've been inconsistent with is exercise. 

So, two weeks ago I was halfway through my workday when my chest began to tighten. It tightened so much that I could barely walk or talk because I was in so much pain. Lord, have mercy! Thankfully, as a teacher, I work in a place with a school nurse. I didn't tell anyone how I was feeling and kept my little smile until I got to the nurse's office. My BP was 180/100. The recommended BP is lower than 120/80. Do the math! I knew it was high when the nurse hesitated when I asked her the reading. But, I didn't freak out or panic. Instead, I silently prayed to my God who promises to supply all my needs (Phil 4:19). 

The nurse drove me to see my doctor. I had an EKG and--praise God--everything looked good. Everything else checked was fine, but what was going on with my BP?

In January of this year, I joined my church in a consecration and fast. One of the things I asked God was to heal my body concerning my BP. I felt fine at the time, but I wanted more. I wanted to be free of the medication. As I reflect now, I can recall that sometime in February my body experienced a change. I was very fatigued, lacked energy, irritable, and not feeling like myself. The days seemed to run together. There was a constant desire for a break and a disappointment of not seemingly accomplishing anything. Those were my signs that something wasn't right. At the time, I thought it was the effects of being the mother of three small children--one being a newbie--and working a full-time job. 

Last Sunday, I had the privilege of attending Sunday morning worship in Norfolk, VA. The prophet there said that in God's calendar, March and April are harvest times. This means I am right on time for my healing that God promised me in Isaiah 53:5. I have been taking an additional medication and my numbers have still not been where they should be. I've been praying, incorporating exercise, quoting scriptures, continuing to monitor my diet, and just keeping it real with God by asking him why this if your word says that

I want to know what I'm doing wrong. Is it my job? The one thing I've been passionate about almost as long as I've been born? Why would my passion make me sick...unless it's not the work God has for me to do? And if that's the case, what in the world am I supposed to be doing since this is all I've ever dreamed of doing. 

Because I've not seen the progress i need to see, I've gone to see my doctor on two separate occasions and he was out both times. I've been to the GNC store to get something I was told would work and GNC was sold out. What is it that I'm missing?.............And as I typed, I just heard, "We walk by faith and not by sight" (2 Cor 5:7)...and I am encouraged.

My numbers have been up today as well and I was puzzled and I cried because I couldn't comprehend it. I want to be healthy. I went for a walk, but I was still a little down. I decided to write because it's therapeutic for me. I know we all have things we go through. Your battle may not be your BP. It may have nothing to do with your health. But whatever it is, know that God has already worked it out. The process is hard, frustrating, humbling, and sometimes frightening.

A few years ago, I was on I-95 and encountered a commercial truck with Proverbs 3:5-6 painted on it. I looked it up and when I read it I believed God put that truck there for me. I committed the scripture to memory and it has carried me through some times just as bad or worse than this. Because of my confidence in Him, I know that God is preparing me for an awesome testimony. So, now when I check my BP while reciting in my heart that I'm healed, I won't be disappointed when the numbers say otherwise. :-)